Envoy X

To better understand what is going on so I might best know how to change the things I do not like.


The Insidious Opinionering of CNN

Today big in the news: President Obama has signed the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act" (aka: Massive Spending Spree) into law.

Again CNN reports. Again CNN softly whispers to you how you should think.


This poll can be found Here along with an article that basically says, "We're going to spend nearly a trillion dollars borrowed from future generations (plural) and there's really no way to tell if it does any good because all indicators we're using are heavily hedged with "if's" and "as long as's" and those indicators movements' will be nearly impossible to differentiate between "stimulus" efficacy and a normal, fundamentals based, economic recovery." Basically.

You are being told what is good for you.

Take a look at the wording in the poll above and note the lack of a "do nothing" option, or a "Why should the government do anything?" option.

"Force them to restructure"

"Force them into bankruptcy"

If the government "forces" these companies to do anything it'll be pay taxes, though this year they won't even do that because you have to turn a profit to pay tax.

Why CNN is constantly advancing the fallacy that the government has the responsibility, or even the constitutional authority to prop up these companies is beyond me.

Force is a word of violence, of pressure, of coersion. It's use in this poll subtly plants the idea that if these companies do restructure or go bankrupt that the government will be at fault and guilty of inaction.

The flaw in the logic of this reasoning is that it ignores that these are private companies that operate and compete (or not) in a free market.

Free market.

If GM or Chrysler fail, one or both, people will lose their jobs. Ford will be able to buy it's parts cheaper. Ancilliary businesses will have no one to blame but themselves for putting their eggs in one basket.

How long will the strong be able to bear the burden of coddling the weak.

